ALL TRADE FOOD S.A. es una empresa especializada en servicios de Trader Internacional de alimentos. Ofrecemos a los IMPORTADORES y EXPORTADORES PYMES la búsqueda de nuevos negocios a nivel internacional.
ALL TRADE FOOD pertenece a un grupo de empresas dedicadas al Comercio Exterior, cuenta con depósitos fiscales, logística local e internacional y forwarding. Los principales clientes de las empresas del grupo son Adidas, Yamaha, Zanella, Motomel, Corven, Michelin, entre otros.
Las distintas compañías del Grupo ALL TRADE nos permiten ofrecer a nuestros clientes la solución para sus negocios en Comercio Exterior, Logística y EXPORTACION DE PRODUCTOS, siendo sinónimo de nuestra gran capacidad para adaptarnos a sus necesidades actuales y futuras. Alianzas y contratos exclusivos con las principales líneas aéreas, marítimas, compañías de transporte terrestre nacional e internacional y con los principales TRADER del mundo en el negocio de ALIMENTOS, son el aval para poder garantizar compromiso y seriedad ante sus necesidades.
ALL TRADE FOOD S.A. is a company specialized in international marketing of food, beverages and regional products of high quality from Argentina. In order to promote the export of domestic food products, we make alliances with producers from different regions of Argentina to ensure quality, quantity and price responding to external demand, ensuring business continuity. From our experience, we understand that only a strong and efficient network will enhance trade and improve and increase our supply export.
ALL TRADE GROUP ALL FOOD TRADE S.A. belongs to a group of companies engaged in foreign trade, the company counts with warehouses, local and international logistics and forwarding services.
Main customers of the companies in the group are: Adidas, Yamaha, Zanella, Motomel, Corven, Zanella, Michelin, among others.
Different companies of the ALL TRADE Group allows us to offer our customers the solution for their businesses in Foreign Trade, Logistics & EXPORT OF GOODS and this is synonymous of our great capacity to adapt to Customcurrent and future needs. Alliances and exclusive contracts with main airlines, maritime, trucking companies nationally and internationally with leading brokers in the business world of FOOD, is the support to ensure commitment and seriousness to their needs.